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Helbreath Apocalypse

Post has published by GMOptima
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Server Maintenance 06/11/2021 @ 3:00 PM PST

Post has published by GMOptima
Players, We will be performing server maintenance on 06/11/2021 @ 3:00 PM PST. We will be releasing a new client update during this time. Please see update notes below. Update Notes: - Bug fixes (related to server crash) - Weapon glow effect - You can now make any weapon glow....
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Server Maintenance 05-14-2021 @ 9:00 PM PST

Post has published by GMOptima
Players, We will be performing server maintenance on May 14th at 9:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. During the maintenance, we will be releasing a new update. Please see updates notes below. Update Notes: - Now players has the options to enable/disable floating damage text through system menu - Disabled server...
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Apocalypse Server Closed

Post has published by GMOptima
Players, We are officially closing our second server, Apocalypse. We are very thankful for your support of our secondary (Apocalypse) server. You may still play on our main game server, Abaddon. Thank you, GMOptima
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Server Maintenance Complete 04/26/21

Post has published by GMOptima
Players, We've completed the server maintenance and released a new client update. Please update your client before joining the game. Client Update Notes: - Bug fixes Item Shop: - Fiery Blast Manual now temporary available (Available until May 1, 2021)
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Server Maintenance 04/24/2021

Post has published by GMOptima
Players, We have completed the server maintenance on 04/24/2021 12:30 AM PST. Please see updates below. Update Notes: - Slightly increased Liche Necklace drop rate. - Civilians are now restricted from entering Icebound. - Players now have a chance to win Storm Bringer from Lucky Prize Ticket. (LIMITED TIME 04/24...
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