Good News!
We have set a launch date for our new Helbreath server, Apocalypse. The new server will have a different rule than the original server.
Apocalypse Server:
- Activation items including Beholder necklace removed.
- Blacksmith, Manufactured, Hero, and Dark Knight items only
- Mages top spell available is Meteor.
- Absolute Magic Protection will be disabled.
- There will be monsters dropping stat items to ensure character uniqueness.
- Blizzard spell will be the only rare spell book that will be dropped in Icebound.
- Experience will be significantly reduced.
- Kloness/Berserk weapons removed.
- MS30 wand and Demon Slayer will remain but rare
- Crafted items such as DM/DF/MS items will remain.
- Promiseland will only be available for level 1 – 100 combatants. Civilians will not be able to enter.
- Mines/Crystals spawn points will be increased.
List may be updated at any time, please check back for update.
Official launch date: 08/07/2020 at 8:00 PM PST.
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