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New Client Update Released!



We’ve completed the server maintenance and have released a new client update. Please see patch notes below:


Item changes:

  • Necklace of Beholder – The wearer may still see invisible players but, may no longer physically hit invisible players.
  • All activation items – Activation time is now accurate 20 minutes cool down.

Gem Shop:

New Items

  • Hair Style Potion
  • Hair Color Potion
  • Skin Color Potion
  • Invisibility Potion

Lottery Ticket

  • Removed Storm Bringer
  • Added Magic Wand (MS30)
  • Added Chan Mail of Frost (M)/(W)- Freezes attacker upon hit when activated.

VIP System

  • In-game VIP System temporarily disabled but, points are still accumulated when purchasing gems.


  • Queen title graphic has been added