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Helbreath 2017 Ball Event

We will be hosting a ball event starting Friday 06, 2017. Each color ball has a specific prize and is dropped by specific monsters. Please see below for more details.

What monsters drop ball?

Green Ball – Rudolf and Stalker Winner: 555
Yellow Ball – Werewolf and Cannibal Plants Winner: jack
Blue Ball – Mountain-Giant and Frost Winner: Errko
Red Ball – Liche and Dark-Elf Winner: X
Pearl Ball – Demon and Gargoyle Winner: LadySucker

What are the prizes for each ball?

Green Ball – Player receives: 2 EXP Slates, 2 Xelima & Merien Stones, and 2 Crimson Red Armor Dyes
Yellow Ball – Pick your prize -> Demon ring OR Mage Ring
Blue Ball – Pick your prize -> Demon Slayer or Resurrection Wand MS10
Red Ball – Pick your prize -> Xelima Rapier or Cancellation Manual
Pearl Ball – Pick your prize -> Giant Battle Hammer or Berserk Wand MS 10

I got a ball, how do I claim?

Please go to http://www.PlayHelbreath.com/help and enter your correct account information then please provide which item you would like. *NOTE: Once players receives prize, they may no longer be able to claim another prize.

Event ends: January 31st, 2017